Monday, April 21, 2014

Strip Tease

Sex sells, right?
"Ba ba ba bum, ba bum, ba bum....."  That's right folks...I'm going to tease you a bit today.  I went ahead and stripped off some of the painter's tape to get a sneak peak at things--so far, everything is lookin' pretty sexy:

I plan to caulk around each drywall-wood interface...this should give an even cleaner, crisper look
I know what your thinking..."take it off, take it all off!  Come on!"  All in good time...the treads will be the last thing to be uncovered.

No visible fasteners!  (There is a little dry wall dust on the top of the L-bracket...consider it stripper glitter--with a little effort, it wipes right off.  Just make sure its gone before the wife sees it)

Stay tuned folks...more to come!


  1. Excellent! So glad that this detail worked for you - looks like you executed it perfectly!

  2. Thanks, Bob! I'll be sure to give you props if any of my future handrail users give me compliments on the design.
