Saturday, December 8, 2012

Oh Fry-Pan, Where art thou?

Don't worry...I wasn't incarcerated.  I wasn't even "on the lamb."   Nope...I moved.  To make a long story short:

-Man boy buys truck
-Boy starts restoring truck
-Boy realizes he doesn't have enough room to restore truck and his landlord is a giant douche bag
-Boy also has another child on the way and his current home feels like it is shrinking by the minute
-Boy finally "mans-up" and buys a house

So needless to say, life has been pretty hectic the past few months.  As most anyone will attest, finding and buying a home is a huge undertaking.  In truth, however, our search and ultimate purchase went quite quickly.  What hasn't gone quickly is the whole "moving" part.  Having rented for the last 3 years, I forgot how much work is involved in home ownership.  Couple this with a crazy busy work schedule and a smattering of social obligations and  it is pretty easy to see how the Fry-Pan restoration got placed on the back burner.

On the bright side, we bought a great home and are now about 95% settled in....ahhh, there's no place like home.  But perhaps the greatest part of this entire thing is that I have decided to construct a shop on our new property...a "hobby haven," a "man cave," a "fortress of solitude," a "Fry-Pan World Headquarters" if you will.

But before I could even think about starting the construction of my shop, I had to actually relocate my truck to our new home (a mere 17 miles east of our rental home).  Now, had I not disassembled 80% of my truck this would have been a relatively straight forward proposition.  Needless to say, such was not the case.  Fortunately, I was able to guilt one of my buddies with a trailer into helping me move all the body pieces and parts that still were not attached to the frame (its amazing what a Mexican dinner and a few beers will get you).

Without my buddy Ryan (and his wife who also helped), I probably would have had to rent a truck to move my bass-ackwards would that have been?

Of course, I still had to move the chassis and cab (which I left attached).  This was a little trickier of a proposition given that the steering column had been detached and there were no breaks.  Too chicken to try and move it myself, I did what any poser like me would do...I had it towed.  When the guy showed up to tow it, I asked him if he would only change me half price since more than half the truck was missing, but he didn't find that funny.

Seventeen Miles and $65.00 later Fry-Pan was safe and sound in his new home.  So why haven't I started working on it yet, you ask?   Well, the truck is currently buried behind a couple dozen boxes and I still have no place/space to work....but all that is about to change.  In fact, I am just a few short weeks away from occupying my new shop and get back to wrenchin' on the dream.

Although it will be several weeks before this happens, I will probably post several more entries about the outbuilding's construction (I have been taking photos along the way).  So stay tunes friends and family...more to come!


  1. Life happens when making other plans! Glad you've upgraded to your own castle, with all the responsibilities that come with it. FryPan is looking good and will continue to wait while you manage other important parts of the big picture. Thanks for the update. I look forward to seeing some pics of the new shop/man cave/parts heap!!
