Thursday, October 31, 2013


I just had a major revelation about welding....its basically just a really manly version of sewing!

Come on, think about it...a sewing machine has a spool of thread and a welder has a spool of mild steel:

Sewing machine                                                                                               Welder                  

In sewing, you use strands of thread to join two pieces of cloth together while in welding, you use strands of mild steel to join two hunks of metal together.

Seamstresses and welders also like to gossip:

For my money, though, I'd rather hear gossip from the sewing circle...I bet its juicier.

While certainly festive, I don't think this is a safe alternative to a welding shield

Happy Halloween!


  1. What could be more interesting than a group of welders coming together over a heap of decaying metal? Why a group of doctor welders. I'd LOVE to hear that circle of chit chat. Must be like surgeons.

  2. Trust me, physician gossip is BORING! :-)
