Thursday, May 2, 2013

One Delivery After Another

Stocking Cap & Crib label
A mere 5 days after my beams were delivered, an even more awe-inspiring delivery came to our home.  On April 11, 2013, my wife Michelle gave birth to our baby boy...Nathan

Nathan Beck Myers (Day 1 of life)

This was a long anticipated and welcomed event for the both of us (although I am certain Michelle would argue no one was happier to have this day arrive than her).  He was born at 3:18pm on April 11, 2013.  He weighed 8 lbs 5 Oz and was 21 inches long.  He looked shockingly like his sister did on day for yourself:

Michelle was a TOTAL champ throughout the labor and delivery.  She never complained and to be frank, I was pretty blown away by her pain tolerance.
6cm, no epidural yet, and STILL smiling

Needless to say, Nathan's arrival was a wonderful addition to our family.  I was so relieved that both he & Michelle came through it without any complications.

Mom and Son
As a physician, seemingly routine experiences like childbirth can often carry with them an excessive amount of stress because you are burdened by the knowledge of all the possible complications (regardless of how rare they may actually be).  Let's just say that when it was all over, I breathed a big sigh of relief. 

I realize this post has nothing to do with my mancave project or my soon-to-be-continued Fry-Pan restoration, but this was a very important day for me so I felt it warranted a post (albeit, I am 3 weeks late in getting written).

Welcome home, Nate!  Soon you, Mom, Cecilia & I will all be chillin' in the bed of old Fry-Pan at the drive-in!

Big Sister with little brother
It really doesn't get any better than this!


  1. Welcome, Nate! What an adorable baby~so sweet! Michelle looks like a freakin' super model too by the way. Who looks THAT good after giving birth? Should be illegal. G

    Glad things are settling in for the four of you. What gorgeous kids you two have!!!

  2. While this may be less about Fry Pan, it is absolutely some of your BEST work. Moments like this remind you that miracles, medical or not, are very, very real. Best wishes to mom, sister and the rest of the fam!

  3. Congratulations to both of you!!!!

  4. Glad you got a visit from the stork. Your family and man cave are lookin' good.

